Description & Background
Dams are becoming public destinations for a wide range of recreation activities including canoeing, kayaking, fishing, wading, jet skiing, swimming, etc. Many of these activities make use of dam features for extreme sports and other unauthorized and unsafe actions, resulting in accidents and fatalities. Not all accidents and fatalities are from public use of dam sites. Many accidents and fatalities are due to first responders succumbing to the hazard(s) while attempting to rescue victims, or by maintenance staff and others working around dams.
A troubling statistic uncovered by the late Dr. Tschantz, professor emeritus of the University of Tennessee, is that during the past 40 years there have been many times more fatalities from accidents at dams than there have been deaths resulting from dam failures; more than 400+ reported fatalities at dams versus 40 deaths from dam failures [Tschantz, 2015; updated to 2018]. This same trend has been observed in other countries. Over the entire history of Canada, many more people have died in accidents around dam sites than from structural failure of dams [CDA, 2011]. Of significant concern are the growing populations near these structures and the increasing online postings of extreme sports activities by youth in and around restricted dam sites at water control structures.
During the past 36 years there have been nine times more fatalities at dams than from dam failures; 347 reported drownings at dams versus 40 deaths from dam failures (Tschantz, 2016)

Body Recovery at Black Rock Dam, Schuylkill River near Phoenixville, PA (Photo source: Ken Wright, Emergency Rescues at Low Head Dams).
While accidents at dams are reported regularly in the local and national media, little statistical data is available to assess the full national extent of the problem. The state of Iowa reports at least 170 dam related fatalities in that state alone [Iowa White Water]. Minnesota’s Boat and Water Safety Section of the Department of Natural Resources reports 52 deaths and 50 injured or rescued people at dams in that state between 1974 and 2002 [Elverum, 2003]. At South Island Dam, also known as Wilmington Dam, located in the City of Wilmington, Indiana, there have been 46 documented incidents resulting in 23 fatalities. In Illinois, the Fox River has a notoriously dangerous segment of 15 dams in a 115-mile reach. At the Yorkville Dam, at least 12 people are reported to have drowned since it was rebuilt in 1960. Drayton Dam on the Red River in Minnesota claimed 12 lives between 1965 and 1995, and the Dock Street Dam in Harrisburg Pennsylvania has claimed more than 30 lives since 1935.
A study by Tschantz from a database of accidents he has collected from 1960s through 2015 reveals at least 282 incidents at dams in 39 states. As a result of these incidents, there have been at least 100 injuries and over 350 drowning deaths. These figures only include accidents obtained by Dr. Tschantz from documented news articles and local officials primarily at low-head dams, the focus of his research. The actual number of accidents are unknown and are believed to be much higher, but collective statistical data is lacking. Dr. Tschantz’s research and ongoing research shows a disturbing trend that the number of documented accidents at dams in the U.S. is increasing rapidly. These statistics demonstrate the need for dam owners and the dam safety community to focus attention on identifying and correcting the hazards created by the dams.
“In 1980, Ohio DNR Officials were surprised to learn that in two years nine firefighters and police officers in that state lost their lives in fast-water-rescue attempts” (K. Elverum, 2003).
Although the most significant hazard and cause of fatalities is the transient submerged hydraulic jump or hydraulic roller that is often attributed to flow over low-head run-of-the-river dams, there are many other hazards that exist at dams that have contributed to accidents and fatalities. Dozens of fatalities, resulting from other hazardous conditions produced by and around dams include: strainers, sudden releases with rapidly increasing flow conditions, confined spaces, unpredictable currents, submerged structures, hidden dam crests, watercraft over spillways, entrapment, stranding, and steep slopes and slippery surfaces [Schweiger 2017, 2011].
Dam owners, engineers inspecting and designing dam modifications, regulators and others working around dams need to understand the hazards posed to the public by the presence and operations of dams and levees and be aware of their responsibility for addressing, managing, and when possible eliminating these public safety risks.
When possible, the hazard should be completely mitigated by modifying a dam to remove the hazard. When not possible, mitigation measures can include restrictions to entry (fencing) and signage. Public safety education particularly with young people is another strategy to prevent deaths or injuries at these dams.
(2) Iowa Whitewater Coalition. (2018). 171 Dam Related Fatalities. Iowa Whitewater Coalition.
This lesson learned was peer-reviewed by Mark Baker, P.E., DamCrest Consulting.
- Plot of known drownings at only low head dams based on limited information. The actual number of drownings is believed to be much higher (Photo source: Dr. Bruce Tschantz).
- June 10, 2001 – Some dams are not visible from the upstream side and are unmarked. On White River, Indianapolis, a 9-month old baby & 4 adults rescued (Photo Source: Chris Prevolovs, Associated Press).
- Boaters can experience mechanical problems and lose control of their watercraft. April 11, 2017, a family of five was rescued from going over Goose Creek Dam, Loudon County, Virginia (Photo source: Loudoun County Fire and Rescue).
- Unsupervised children can climb on dams unaware of the hazards (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Dams are often local destinations for swimming and trespassers often take risks to access and recreate at these sites (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Dams are often local destinations for fishing and fishermen often take risks to access and recreate at these sites (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Maintenance workers at dams can take unnecessary risks. Worker preparing to install flashboards on crest of spillway (Photo source: Robert Kline).
- Hazardous confined spaces such as drain manholes, galleries, addits, towers and tunnels need to be marked to make potential entrants aware of the hazards (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- When entering confined spaces at dams, confined-space entry procedures need to be followed (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Modern conduit inspection techniques such as using remotely operated vehicles are available to avoid the risks associated with manned entry.
- Hazards at dams should be made known. Some states have laws requiring dam owners to post signs at certain dams (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Signs strategically placed at dams can be effective at creating exclusive zones and warning trespassers of hazards at dams (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Signs need to be visible and strategically placed at dams to be effective at warning trespassers of hazards at dams (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Signs need to present a clear message warning of hazards at dams (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Conditions at dams need to be made safe for maintenance staff and operators (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- First responders are often become victims while performing rescues at dams. First responders need to understand the hazards and safe procedures for conducting rescues (Photo source: Mary Chind, The Des Moines Register)
- First responders are often become victims while performing rescues at dams. First responders need to understand the hazards and safe procedures for conducting rescues (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Body Recovery at Black Rock Dam, Schuylkill River near Phoenixville, PA (Photo source: Ken Wright, Emergency Rescues at Low Head Dams).
- Every dam should have a safety plan (Photo source: Paul Schweiger).
- Identifying Hazards and Improving Public Safety at Low Head Dams – ASDSO Webinar
- Fatal Currents – Low Head Dam Presentation
- Over, Under, Gone – The Killer in Our Rivers
- Be A Dam Champion
Case Studies

Cleveland Dam (British Columbia, 2020)
Cleveland Dam is a concrete-gravity structure 300-feet-high with a crest 640-feet(or 195m) long. It is located in in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The dam impounds the Capilano Reservoir which is in one of three major Metro Vancouver watersheds that provide drinking water to the Greater Vancouver region.

Dock Street Dam (Pennsylvania)
Dock Street Dam is a run-of-the-river low-head dam located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The dam is a hollow reinforced concrete slab-and-buttress structure approximately 6 feet high, 3,460 feet long that creates a 3-mile lake with...

Folsom Dam (California, 1995)
Located approximately 20 miles northeast of Sacramento, California, Folsom Dam was designed and constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to generate hydropower along the American River. The 340-foot high concrete gravity Folsom Dam along with two earthen wing dikes...

Hebgen Dam (Montana, 1959)
Just before midnight on August 17th 1959 in southwest Montana, in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park, a Mw 7.3 earthquake caused an estimated 36 to 43 million cubic yard rockslide to rapidly cross the Madison River and continue up the opposite canyon...
Additional Case Studies (Not Yet Developed)
- Wilmington Dam (Illinois)
- Island Farm Weir (New Jersey)
- South Island Park Dam (Illinois)
- Midtown Dam (North Dakota)
Best Practices

Evaluation of Public Safety at Run-of-River Dams
Author: CTE & AECOM
Date Published: 2007
Capital Development Board of Illinois

Safety Signage at Hydropower Projects
Author: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Date Published: 2001

Guidelines for Public Safety at Hydropower Projects
Author: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Date Published: 2011

Author: Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Date Published: 2010
Developing Water Trails in Iowa

Portage Around Dams
Author: National Park Service
Date Published: 2004

Stream Access and Recreational Channels
Author: National Park Service
Date Published: 2016
Portage Guidelines

Public Safety Around Dams: Best Management Practices
Author: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Date Published: 2011

Dam Sector Security Guidelines
Author: United States Department of Homeland Security
Date Published: 2015

Hazard Warning Guidance for Low Head Dams
Author: VML Insurance Programs
Date Published: 2006
Other Resources

ASDSO Public Safety Website
Author: ASDSO Public Safety Around Dams Committee

Hidden Dangers and Public Safety at Low-Head Dams
Author: B. Tschantz & K. Wright
Journal of Dam Safety

Legal Liability for Dam Failures
Author: D. Binder

Low Head Dam Signage & Outreach
Author: Indiana Silver Jackets

Emergency Rescues at Low Head Dams
Author: K.W. Wright, J.M. Kelly, R.J. Houghtalen, & M.R. Bonner

Liability and Responsibility of Dam Owners
Author: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Environmental Fact Sheet

Don't Go with the Flow! Identifying and Mitigating Hydraulic Hazards at Dams
Author: P. Schweiger, S. Barfuss, W. Foos, & G. Richards
ASDSO Annual Conference

Saving Lives While Improving Fish Passage At "Killer Dams"
Author: P.G. Schweiger
Journal of Dam Safety

Liability and Responsibility of Dam Owners
Author: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

Sign and Buoy Guidelines for Run-of-the-River Dams
Author: Pennsylvania Fish and Wildlife Commission

Locations of Fatalities at Submerged Hydraulic Jumps
Author: R.H. Hotchkiss
Brigham Young University

Public Safety Around Dams, Ontario Power Generation's Approach
Author: T. Bennett & L. Rowat
Canadian Dam Association

A Heightened Focus on Public Safety at Dams Does Not Happen By Accident
Author: T.W. Johnston, A.C. Echols, E.E. Fromherz, P.G. Schweiger, & W.F. Foos

Locking Through
Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Things You Should Know if You Use Navigation Locks

Public Safety and Security of Dams are Not Mutually Exclusive
Author: W. Foos, F. Calcagno, & P. Schweiger