Description & Background
Failure of high and significant hazard dams may result in loss of life, significant property damage, or both. Because of these consequences, a 2-stage filter and drain system is a critical design feature for embankment dams. A filter and drain system is used to capture and measure seepage, protect against backward erosion (piping) and erosion through cracks, and protect against internal erosion due to seismic events.
A 2-stage filter and drain system in embankment dam design and construction refers to zones of specifically designed, granular materials included as a means of capturing, controlling, and directing seepage flows. The purpose of the filter and drain system is threefold: 1) Relieve hydraulic gradients within the dam, 2) Prevent the movement of soil particles, and 3) Serve as a self-healing zone to arrest seepage erosion through cracks.
There are several publications documenting how to design a proper filter and drain system. Several federal agencies including the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) have developed standards for filter and drain design. These procedures were developed largely from studies conducted by the NRCS in the 1980’s.

Overview of zone placement at Tibble Fork Dam, Utah County, Utah (Photo Source: Everett Taylor)
Filter zones are constructed of finer grained, granular materials (i.e. clean sand) with a defined gradation. The requirements of the filter material are determined by analyzing the gradation of the soil to be protected by the filter; referred to as the base soil. The granular material provides openings that are small enough to prevent the migration of base soil particles while allowing seepage water to pass through the filter. Filter design results in the development of a gradation band used to evaluate proposed filter materials. Filters are generally made of engineered sands produced by crushing, screening, and washing. Filters are designed to be self-healing meaning the granular material will not sustain a crack.
Drains and collection pipes are generally included with the design of filters. Drain zones are constructed of granular materials that are coarser than the filter. Gradation bands for drain materials are developed through the same procedure used for the design of the filter. The coarser drain allows for the rapid movement of seepage to a collection pipe network. The collection pipe network is generally composed of slotted or perforated pipe and solid pipe. The size of the slots or perforations are determined in conjunction with the design of the filter and drain to prevent movement of those materials into the collection pipe.
A 2-stage filter and drain system is the principal defensive design measure to protect against piping and internal erosion. One of the more commonly discussed failure mechanisms for embankment dams is backward erosion or piping. Backward erosion occurs when hydraulic gradients are sufficiently high to begin moving soil material near a seepage exit point. As soil is removed the gradient increases leading to continued erosion possibly at an increasing rate. This erosion may continue over time, eventually leading to a complete failure of the dam. Filter and drain zones are generally placed downstream of a fined-grained core in embankment dam design. Seepage water passing through the core encounters the filter and drain zones that relieve pore water pressure by providing a free draining exit while preventing movement of the core material into the filter and drain materials, the downstream shell or foundation materials.
Even under the most ideal construction circumstances, embankment dams are prone to cracking due to settlement, soil stress relief (bridging), or seismic events. This cracking can create concentrated seepage that can lead to scour of the crack and continued erosion through the crack. Filters are designed to be self-healing and will not sustain a crack. Placed downstream of the core and any crack in the core, filters prevent eroded material from passing through them. As the finer-grained soil becomes trapped on the filter it creates what has been termed a “filter-cake”. This filter-cake prevents the continued erosion of fine-grained material, effectively sealing the crack.
Filter and drain zones should be designed and built of sufficient width to remain intact even after deformation caused by seismic events considered during design. Providing for this allows the filter to continue to function after the design seismic event, preventing internal erosion through cracks created during the event and failure of the embankment dam.
Because the failure of high and significant hazard dams may result in the loss of life and/or significant property damage, defensive design measures should be considered to reduce the possibility of failure. For embankment dams, a 2-stage filter and drain system provides an indispensable line of defense against internal erosion and piping failure mechanisms. Filters and drains reduce hydraulic gradients while preventing movement of soil particles. They prevent erosion through cracks developed during construction or caused by seismic events and they provide a controlled way of collecting, measuring, and monitoring seepage through embankment dams. Because of the benefits they provide, the use of filter and drain systems should be considered fundamental in the design and construction of high and significant hazard embankment dams.
This lesson learned was peer-reviewed by David Marble, P.E., Utah Division of Water Rights.
- Overview of zone placement at Tibble Fork Dam, Utah County, Utah (Photo Source: Everett Taylor)
- Placement of chimney filter and drain materials during rehabilitation of Tibble Fork Dam, Utah County, Utah. (Photo Source: Everett Taylor)
- Schematic showing how filter zones can stop internal erosion through cracks. (Photo Source: US Bureau of Reclamation, Design Standards No. 13, Chapter 5: Protective Filters)
- Dam cross section showing typical zones of an embankment dam including filter and drain zones. (Photo Source: Montana Department of Natural Resources, Dam Safety Program)
- Schematic of seepage flow through a base soil and filter material. (Photo Source: Montana Department of Natural Resources, Dam Safety Program)
- Animation of piping failures at dams developed by the Association of State Dam Safety Officials.
- National Dam Safety: Seepage and Piping (Part 1)
- National Dam Safety: Seepage and Piping (Part 2)
Case Studies

Anita Dam (Montana, 1997)
Anita Dam is located about 22 miles north of Chinook, Montana, about 5 miles south of the Canadian border. The drainage, which normally flows only in response to snowmelt or heavy rain, is an unnamed tributary...

Baldwin Hills Dam (California, 1963)
The Baldwin Hills Reservoir was constructed in 1951 to provide water to the south and southwest portions of the city of Los Angeles, California. Sitting atop one of the tallest hills in the region, the reservoir was confined on three sides by compacted earth dikes...

Big Bay Lake Dam (Mississippi, 2004)
A number of the site conditions, design and construction details, and the distress indicators that developed between the initial reservoir filling and failure combine to suggest a complex internal erosion...

El Guapo Dam (Venezuela, 1999)
Construction of El Guapo Dam began in 1975 and was completed in 1980. The dam is 197 feet tall and stores 114,000 acre-feet of drinking and irrigation water for the Barlovento Region in the state of Miranda, Venezuela. Because bedrock is deep...

Fontenelle Dam (Wyoming, 1965)
Fontenelle Dam is located on the Green River near La Barge, Wyoming and was originally built in 1964 to provide irrigation water and hydropower for a region of southwest Wyoming. The earthfill embankment structure...

Lawn Lake Dam (Colorado, 1982)
Lawn Lake Dam was located in Rocky Mountain National Park upstream of Estes Park, Colorado. It was an embankment dam and constructed in 1903 and owned by an irrigation company. It fell within the National Park Boundary...

Little Deer Creek (Utah, 1963)
Little Deer Creek Dam and Reservoir were conceived as part of the Kamas Water Project and were owned by the South Kamas – Washington Irrigation Company. The dam was designed by the Utah Water and Power Board that also oversaw construction.

Penn Forest Dam (Pennsylvania, 1994)
Penn Forest Dam was constructed between 1956 and 1958 to be one of the main water supply reservoirs for the city of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The dam was originally an earthfill embankment structure, stood 145 feet high, 1,930 feet long, and stored 6.4 billion gallons of water...

Prospect Dam (Colorado, 1980)
Prospect Reservoir Dam is owned by the Henrylyn Irrigation District (District) and is located in Weld County (County), Colorado approximately 40 miles northeast of Denver. The District operates and maintains a fifty mile long canal system, 4 reservoirs, and several hundred miles of...

Quail Creek Dike (Utah, 1989)
Quail Creek Reservoir, located in Washington County Utah, is an approximately 40,000 acre-feet water storage project for irrigation, municipal, and industrial use. Design of the project was completed in 1983 with construction beginning in November of that year. The project consisted of...
Best Practices

Filters for Embankment Dams: Best Practices for Design and Construction
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Published: 2011

National Resources Conservation Service: Manuals and Directives
Author: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Earth Dams and Reservoirs (TR-60)
Author: United States Department of Agriculture
Date Published: 2005
Other Resources

Getting Water Into Pipes – Not as Easy as It Seems
Author: Mark Pabst & John France

Chimney Filter/Drain Design and Construction Considerations
Author: Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
Technical Note 4, Version 1

National Engineering Handbook Part 633 Chapter 26
Author: Natural Resources Conservation Service
Gradation Design of Sand and Gravel Filters

Design Standards No. 13: Embankment Dams - Chapter 5
Author: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Protective Filters