Description & Background

Dam operators and first responders perform an EAP simulation exercise to rehearse emergency procedures.
“An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) is one of the primary safeguards against the loss of life and property damage that can result from the failure of a high hazard potential dam. Today, there are approximately 8,300 state-regulated high hazard potential dams in the United States. Of these 8,300 dams, approximately 40 percent do not have an EAP.” ¹
The National Dam Safety Program encourages the implementation of effective EAPs for high and significant hazard dams in the United States. Though the program has certainly enhanced the safety and regulation of dams, considerable opportunities for improvement remain. Increasing the number of dams with an EAP and encouraging dam owners, dam operators, and emergency personnel to regularly update and practice their EAP are important goals of the program.
“An EAP is a formal document that identifies potential emergency conditions at a [high or significant hazard] dam and specifies actions to be followed to minimize loss of life and property damage. The EAP includes:
- Actions the dam owner will take to moderate or alleviate a problem at the dam
- Actions the dam owner will take in coordination with emergency management authorities to respond to incidents or emergencies related to the dam
- Procedures dam owners will follow to issue early warning and notification messages to responsible downstream emergency management authorities
- Inundation maps to help dam owners and emergency management authorities identify critical infrastructure and population-at-risk sites that may require protective measures, warning, and evacuation planning
- Delineation of the responsibilities of all those involved in managing an incident or emergency and how the responsibilities should be coordinated” ²
Although EAPs are drafted with the intention of minimizing downstream consequences, the document itself cannot save lives and protect property downstream. Simply possessing an EAP does not ensure that communities downstream will be protected in the event of dam failure. In order to increase the chance of averting disastrous consequences during dam failure, EAPs must be understood and routinely practiced by all those involved. First, copies of the EAP should be distributed by the dam owner to anyone involved in its implementation. In order to present, simulate, and practice the information contained within the EAP document, orientation and emergency simulation exercises should be executed in the presence of dam operators and first responders.
Thorough reviews of a dam’s EAP should be conducted at least once a year to determine if it will remain effective or if modifications are necessary. Updates to an EAP may include the results of changes in contact information, flood inundation maps, downstream development (hazard creep), or emergency procedures. In the event that a portion of the EAP is altered, copies should be redistributed and routine practice resumed adhering to the newly revised plan.
Effective Emergency Action Plans are those that are updated, understood, and practiced by all persons involved. These EAPs harbor the potential to save lives and preserve property downstream of a dam in the event of failure.
(4) FEMA. (2006). National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System: CRS Credit for Dam Safety. Federal Emergency Management Agency.
- Emergency Action Plan development meeting. Attendees include dam safety officials, dam operators, and first responders.
- Tabletop Emergency Action Plan exercise during which emergency situations and appropriate responses are discussed.
- Functional Emergency Action Plan exercise. During a functional exercise, individual and group performance in response to a proposed emergency situation is evaluated and critiqued.
- Maps containing projected flood areas resulting from a dam failure can provide a basis for decision making during EAP development and implementation.
- Emergency personnel executing evacuation. Although EAPs do not require that an evacuation plan be included, they must contain information on the authority responsible for implementing an evacuation if necessary.
- First responders react to flooding emergency.
- Animation describing hazard creep developed by the Association of State Dam Officials. Hazard creep is one of many reasons EAPs must be regularly updated.
- John W. France presents an introduction to emergency action plans (EAPs) as part of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials On-Demand Webinar series.
- Video supplement to the Training Aids for Dam Safety publication on the proper procedures for developing and implementing an EAP.
- Video supplement to the Training Aids for Dam Safety publication on the responsibilities of dam owners and guidelines to ensure dam safety.
Case Studies

Austin (Bayless) Dam (Pennsylvania, 1911)
Austin Dam (also known as Bayless Dam) was constructed between May and November of 1909 just outside Austin, Pennsylvania, a town of approximately 2,500 people in Potter County.

Baldwin Hills Dam (California, 1963)
The Baldwin Hills Reservoir was constructed in 1951 to provide water to the south and southwest portions of the city of Los Angeles, California. Sitting atop one of the tallest hills in the region, the reservoir was confined on three sides by compacted earth dikes...

Big Bay Lake Dam (Mississippi, 2004)
A number of the site conditions, design and construction details, and the distress indicators that developed between the initial reservoir filling and failure combine to suggest a complex internal erosion...

Columbia River Levees at Vanport (Oregon, 1948)
On May 30, 1948, rising floodwaters of the Columbia River breached a railroad fill acting as a levee and flooded the city of Vanport, Oregon. At the time, Vanport was Oregon’s second largest city and World War II’s largest federal housing project.

Edenville Dam (Michigan, 2020)
Edenville Dam experienced a static liquefaction instability failure of its downstream slope on May 19, 2020. The resulting breach flow reached and overtopped the downstream Sanford Dam about 2-3 hours later, resulting in failure of that dam as well.

Hebgen Dam (Montana, 1959)
Just before midnight on August 17th 1959 in southwest Montana, in the vicinity of Yellowstone National Park, a Mw 7.3 earthquake caused an estimated 36 to 43 million cubic yard rockslide to rapidly cross the Madison River and continue up the opposite canyon...

Kelly Barnes Dam (Georgia, 1977)
Kelly Barnes Dam was located approximately a half mile upstream (north) of Toccoa Falls Bible College in Stephens County, Georgia. Toccoa Falls, a 186-foot-high waterfall, was located between the dam and the college. The dam site was originally the location...

Kinugawa Levee at Joso (Japan, 2015)
Beginning around September 6, 2015, Tropical Storm Etau together with Tropical Depression Kilo began dropping excessive rainfall across northeast Japan. The interaction of the two systems caused them to stall and concentrate rainfall in a narrow band over the Kinugawa watershed.

Laurel Run Dam (Pennsylvania, 1977)
Constructed between 1915 and 1918, Laurel Run Dam was a rockfill dam erected across Laurel Run near Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It was built to replace a smaller dam in order to provide water for drinking and industrial needs...

Lawn Lake Dam (Colorado, 1982)
Lawn Lake Dam was located in Rocky Mountain National Park upstream of Estes Park, Colorado. It was an embankment dam and constructed in 1903 and owned by an irrigation company. It fell within the National Park Boundary...
Additional Case Studies (Not Yet Developed)
- Lake Needwood Dam (Maryland, 2006)
- Percy Quin Dam/Lake Tangipahoa Dam (Mississippi, 2012)
Best Practices

Emergency Action Planning for State Regulated High-Hazard Potential Dams: Findings, Recommendations, and Strategies
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Published: 2007

Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Emergency Action Planning for Dams
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Published: 2013

Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Hazard Potential Classification System for Dams
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Published: 2004

Federal Guidelines for Inundation Mapping of Flood Risks Associated with Dam Incidents and Failures
Author: Federal Emergency Management Agency
Date Published: 2013

Training Aids for Dam Safety: Dam Safety Awareness
Author: Interagency Committee on Dam Safety

Training Aids for Dam Safety: Evaluation of Facility Emergency Preparedness
Author: Interagency Committee on Dam Safety
Date Published: 1988

Training Aids for Dam Safety: How to Develop and Implement an Emergency Action Plan
Author: Interagency Committee on Dam Safety
Date Published: 1989
Other Resources

What is the National Dam Safety & Security Program and Why Should it Continue?
Author: Association of State Dam Safety Officials
Summary published by ASDSO

Emergency Action Planning for Owners
Author: Association of State Dam Safety Officials
EAP Resource Center: Guidance Documents, Tools, and Templates

Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation of Hydropower Projects: Chapter 6, Emergency Action Plans
Author: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Guidelines for FERC

The National Dam Safety Program: 25 Years of Excellence
Author: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Publication by FEMA

Flood Emergency Plans: Guidelines for Corps Dams
Author: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Guidelines for USACE

A Guide to Public Alerts and Warnings for Dam and Levee Emergencies
Author: USACE Risk Management Center
Guidebook published by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers